Oasis Rest International

For the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ, ORI exists to give every Christian leader, on every major continent, access and opportunity to be refreshed through R.E.S.T. (Retreat. Encouragement. Safety. Transformation.)

Guests are invited into a “sacred space,” which we refer to as an oasis, with a “sacred face,” our highly skilled and hospitable staff strategically located all over the world.

Guests are given the opportunity to unpack past trauma, be coached through present circumstances, and be biblically directed toward a newfound hope and future. 

There’s plenty of space to listen to God for yourself, lean vulnerably into our caring and attentive hosts, and begin to joyfully live your unique Kingdom calling in life, marriage, ministry, and marketplace.

Rest, refreshment, and renewal are waiting for you at any of our oasis locations.

Lord willing, over the next decade, we see “access” as 100 oasis locations being planted around the world. Fully funded, in strategic suitable locations, and staffed by men and women who are growing in their care, hospitality and expertise.

We see “opportunity” as helping to grow the awareness of Jesus' biblical invitation to rest.

We invite, pastors, global workers, and other Christian leaders
and their families to discover for themselves that R.E.S.T. changes
Our Values
Attentive Hospitality

We ready home and heart, with attentiveness to the Holy Spirit before, during, and beyond an oasis stay

Incarnational Empathy
We offer a ministry of presence, a trained listening ear and biblical comfort
Restorative Wisdom
We offer biblical coaching, skilled debriefing, and a transformative process of spiritual renewal

Intentional Stewardship

We take great care to steward all resources for the glory of God
Joyful Presence
We listen intimately to God for ourselves, lean vulnerably in local community and live joyfully in our collective Kingdom calling
Our History

Oasis Rest International, formerly known as Life Impact Ministries, was created by ministry leaders for ministry leaders. It was founded in 2003 by David and Sheri Grissen, long-term missionaries with The Navigators, who understood the needs of ministry leaders and the challenges they face. They desired to create a support system that could ensure less attrition and more effectiveness in influencing the nations.

To best meet the needs of leaders they created the “oasis” model, hosting a retreat style home equipped with professional caregivers to provide a safe place for pastors, global workers and other Christian leaders who need a personal retreat to gain physical, spiritual, and emotional strength while processing unresolved or crucial issues.

The first oasis was created in Sunriver, Oregon and the organization expanded to now include over 20 Oases world-wide. Oasis Rest International plans to continue to provide “access” by expanding the number of oasis locations and “opportunity” by educating leaders in R.E.S.T., both in the USA and internationally.

Nathan LaGrange is the current Executive Director of Oasis Rest International, building on the foundation laid by founder, David Grissen, and previous executive director, David Knauss.

Board & Team
Annual Reports